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TRAK Architecture View Content - Tuples, Triples and Orphans

TRAK architecture view content is specified using triples:-

Terminology - Tuples & Triples


TRAK architecture viewpoint definitions and TRAK architecture views are based on triples i.e. node - relationship - node.

A Triple in a TRAK Architecture View describing ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010

A Triple is formed from a Connector and 2 or 3 Node Elements - Forms a Sentence

An example of a triple is:-

Standard. ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 has part Requirement. '6 Architecture Frameworks and Architecture Description Languages

A Triple in a TRAK Architecture View describing ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010

A Triple in a TRAK Architecture View Describing a Requirement in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010

where the subject = Standard. ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011; the predicate (relationship) = 'has part' and the subject = Requirement. '6 Architecture Frameworks and Architecture Description Languages. A triple forms a sentence.

This uses the TRAK metamodel triple Standard has part Requirement used in a MV-03 Requirements & Standards architecture view.


If we want to describe a claim of conformance against a requirement with the reason why the claim is valid we might expand this further.

Two Tuples Describing a Claim of Conformance against ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010

Describing a Claim of Conformance against a Requirement in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010

This uses two sets of metamodel triples - tuples:

In order to support the claim of conformance we would then need to prove evidence using:

In TRAK the more general 'tuple' term is used because this applies to an contiguous number of triples to allow a longer path within the TRAK metamodel to be defined. For example:-

A triple - a single step path - is still a tuple and it is the smallest possible tuple

A Single Node Describes Nothing - the Smallest Unit of Architecture Description is a Triple

A Single Node Describes Nothing - the Smallest Unit of Architecture Description is a Triple

Rationale for Using Tuples

The reason that TRAK uses tuples is:-

Specifying Architecture View Content

An architecture viewpoint specifies the allowed content of its corresponding architecture view. In systems engineering we are used to a requirement document consisting of a set of requirements where each requirement should conform to a set of criteria:-

As the INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements [1] identifies there are also criteria that should apply to a set of requirements in addition to those that apply to each individual requirement.

Surprisingly many well-known architecture frameworks do not specify architecture view content and / or do so in a way where it is not possible to verify the conformance of an architecture view against its governing architecture viewpoint. Often the approach used is to present part of a metamodel within some sort of a frame. This is not a specification and it doesn't, for example, specify what is required to be shown i.e. what the minimum acceptable architecture view content actually is. Diagrams with technical notation require interpretation and often contain possibly many requirements - a diagram is almost never itself an atomic requirement. Anything which is not atomic and requires interpretation to derive requirements cannot reliably and consistently be used for verification of architecture view content.

Nodes Are Insufficient to Uniquely Define Architecture View Content

Traditionally node elements have been used to try to specify architecture view content. As the following graphic shows, however, stating that nodes C and E are required is insufficient if there is more than one relationship (path) between a pair of metamodel node elements:-

If you simply use the C and E node elements we have an ambiguous requirement.

Architecture View content can only be Defined Uniquely Using Triples Not Node Elements

Architecture View content can only be Defined Uniquely Using Triples Not Node Elements

The ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 conceptual model [2] defines that an architecture viewpoint frames one or stakeholder concerns. A conforming architecture view must therefore address one or more of the concerns framed by its governing architecture viewpoint.

An architecture view must present one or more triples - a orphan node is not sufficient to form a statement capable of describing architecture e.g. 'System' isn't a statement, nor 'Physical' but 'Physical contains System' is a valid statement describing architecture.

The triples presented by an architecture must therefore at the very least address one or more concerns framed by its governing architecture viewpoint. In a TRAK architecture viewpoint specification these triples are listed as 'Subject Tuples'. The minimum required architecture view content is formed from these subject tuples. This is described by the following metamodel fragment for the non-TRAK Architecture Viewpoint Definition architecture viewpoint [3].

A Conforming Architecture View Presents Triples that Address the Stakehoder Concerns of its Governing Architecture Viewpoint

A Conforming Architecture View Presents Triples that Address the Stakehoder Concerns of its Governing Architecture Viewpoint [3]

We often want to annotate an architecture view with subject triples from another architecture view to add additional context, for example, adding a trace to a requirement or document. In TRAK these additional permitted triples are listed under 'Optional Tuples'. The architecture view author can add as many or none of these as they deem to be useful.

In TRAK by explicitly linking architecture view content to metamodel triples:-

If you don't have an atomic specification of architecture view content that links metamodel triples to stakeholder concerns you can never reliably perform a gap analysis against the typically hundreds of triples in a metamodel.

TRAK uses triples to specify architecture view content. There is also a model of all of the TRAK architecture viewpoints and the TRAK metamodel in which each stakeholder concern is explicitly linked to one or more metamodel triples.


[1] ‘INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements’, INCOSE, INCOSE-TP-2010-006-04, Jul. 2023

[2] ‘ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: Conceptual Model’, ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 Systems and software engineering — Architecture description. [Online]. Available:

[3] ‘Architecture Description Viewpoints. Metamodel Description, Implementation and Model Changes ’, Eclectica Systems Ltd, 3736126–001, Jul. 2024

[4] ‘RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax’, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),

[5] ‘Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL)’. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 20-Jul-2017.

Modification Date: 2025-01-20

Eclectica Systems Ltd