Keep Informed
It can be a bit of a pain to have to go back to a site to check to see what's happening and having to remember this isn't the basis for a relaible communication system.
With this is mind there are different ways in which you can keep in contact with what's happening:-
- RSS Feeds
There are mailing lists which once subscribed will send you posts by email (single or aggregated as a digest)
- trakviewpoints-helpneeded
- Help needed with the TRAK viewpoints project - help, job or skill-centric
- trakviewpoints-news
- News (surprisingly enough!)
- trakviewpoints-notices
- Broadcast notices - happenings, events etc., administration
- trakviewpoints-workinggroup
- Formation, administration, requests, running-of concerned with the Viewpoint Working Groups. For background philosophy on working groups see The TAO of the IETF and how this applies to TRAK.
RSS News Feeds
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) provides a simple way of having information delivered, once you subscribe (add the URL to whatever you use to read the entries). A good explanation of RSS is on the BBC site.
The following are available for this project:-