trakviewpoints project

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Questions/ Concerns Addressed by TRAK Viewpoints (Views)

A list of the TRAK viewpoints is provided below together with the concerns addressed by each (and therefore the corresponding view).

TRAK Viewpoints - Concerns Addressed
Perspective Viewpoint Title Questions / Concerns
Enterprise EVp-01 Enterprise Goal

What is the Enterprise and what goals does it set out to achieve?

EVp-02 Capability Hierarchy

What are the enduring capabilities the enterprise requires and how is capability measured?

EVp-03 Capability Phasing

How is capability delivered over time?

Are there any gaps?

Concept CVp-01 Concept Need

Have the concept needs been identified?

CVp-03 Concept Item Exchange

Have the items exchanged by concept nodes been identified?

What is required to satisfy the concept needs?

CVp-04 Concept Activity to Capability Mapping

How/are concept activities sufficient to deliver capability?

CVp-05 Concept Activity

What does each concept node need to do?

CVp-06 Concept Sequence

How are concept activities ordered?

Is it important?

Procurement PrVp-01 Procurement Structure

What is the project structure?

How is the project governed?

PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline

What other projects is this project dependent on?

How does project delivery time affect us?

PrVp-03 Procurement Responsibility

What responsibilities do organisations or jobs have in relation to a project or time?

Are their boundaries clear?

Solution SVp-01 Solution Structure

What does the solution consist of?

Is the solution structured sensibly?

What is the organisation structure / membership?

How does responsibility (scope/jurisdiction) apply to the solution components?

SVp-02 Solution Resource Interaction

How are resources connected together?

How are the organisations, jobs & roles connected?

Have the interactions / interfaces/exchanges been characterised?

SVp-03 Solution Resource Interaction to Function Mapping

Are there interactions/interfaces that cannot be justified by functional need?

Do we have functions that cannot be realised because there isn’t an interchange?

SVp-04 Solution Function

Have all solution functions been identified?

What does each part do?

SVp-05 Solution Function to Concept Activity Mapping

Do the solution functions meet all of the concept activities?

Is there unwanted solution functionality?

SVp-06 Solution Competence

Does the organisation or job through its role have the necessary competence to conduct the function?

Is the competence consistent with the solution?

SVp-07 Solution Sequence

In what order do things need to happen?

SVp-11 Solution Event Causes

How robust is the system to unwanted events?

How dependable is the system?

What causes events?

SVp-13 Solution Risk

What threats is the system of interest exposed to?

How are the threats mitigated or controlled?

What are the vulnerabilities of the system of interest?

What are the risks posed to the system, or to a third party by the system?

How does the solution design mitigate or address the vulnerabilities, threats and risks?

Management MVp-01 Architecture Description Dictionary

Is the architecture description portable?

Can it be understood in the way it was intended to be?

MVp-02 Architecture Description Design Record

Do we understand the scope of the architectural task?

What are the issues and findings that resulted?

MVp-03 Requirements & Standards

Have all the constraints been identified?

What constraints/ requirements through normative documents/standards apply (or will apply) to the system, project, enterprise?

MVp-04 Assurance

What are the claims made?

What is the basis of the claim?

Is the claim supported by evidence?


Return to the summary of the TRAK views.

The TRAK architecture viewpoints are subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at

Modification Date: 2025-01-22

Eclectica Systems Ltd