PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline
This page reproduces part of the PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint definition from the specification - TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints. The page content is therefore subject to the same GNU Free Documentation License terms and conditions - see
Most of the content is produced from a model of TRAK produced using a different set of architecture viewpoints!
The TRAK PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint is one of 24 architecture viewpoints defined in TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints - current release is dated 09 January 2025.
Perspective | Viewpoint | View ID | Version | Modified |
Procurement | PrVp-02 | PrV-02 | 8 | 2017-12-08 |
The TRAK PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint defines the requirements for the TRAK PrV-02 Procurement Timeline architecture view. This involves allowed content and minimum acceptable content ('well-formedness' criteria). The TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints specification also defines consistency rules that apply to a set of architecture views (an Architecture Description).
The TRAK PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint content is summarised under the following sections:
- stakeholder concerns
- description
- allowed content
- well-formedness criteria
- presentation methods
- examples
- views needed to construct
- consistency rules
- comments
The TRAK Architecture Viewpoints specification provides are complete definition not only of the PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint but considerations for the architecture description formed from a set of architecture views.
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Stakeholder Concerns
Stakeholder Concerns Addressed by the PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline Architecture Viewpoint
The TRAK PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint addresses the following concerns:
- How does their delivery time affect us?
- What other projects is this dependent on?
Describes the dependencies between projects as a result of the introduction or removal of systems.
Allowed Content
TRAK architecture view content is defined in terms of triples - Node - connector - Node e.g. 'Milestone marks removal of System' that form short statements about the thing(s) being described.
'Milestone marks removal of System' is a Statement or Assertion in a PrV-02 Architecture View
The rationale and theory for the allowed content of an architecture view is explained separately.
Subject Statements (Triples)
These are statements (triples) that describe the subject of the PrV-02 Procurement Timeline architecture view. Specifically these statements address the concerns for this PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint. These form the basis for the well-formedness section of the PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint.
There are 8 possible subject statements in total which include 4 metamodel elements ( Milestone , Project , Project Activity and System ).
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- Milestone marks introduction of System
- Milestone marks removal of System
- Project Activity delivers System
- Project Activity marked by Milestone
- Project Activity removes System
- Project owns Milestone
- Project undertakes Project Activity
- System is necessary for Project Activity
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Optional Statements (Triples)
These optional statements (triples) for the PrV-02 Procurement Timeline architecture view provide useful context with respect to a subject or universally allowed statements involving the subject or object (start or finish) elements in the Subject Statements (triples).
Universal statements may be added to any TRAK architecture view and describe typical concepts such as compliance or traceability:
- ... traces to Argument, Contract, Requirement, Document or Standard
- ... satisfies Contract, Requirement, Document or Standard
- Concern or Claim about ...
- Contract, Requirement, Document or Standard governs ...
'Standard governs System' - an optional statement or assertion for the PrV-02 Architecture View
These statements address the concerns of their respective architecture viewpoint and will have been created first on these other architecture views.
There are 53 possible statements which may be used to augment the PrV-02 Procurement Timeline architecture view, split into 6 groups:
- Context - Project Structure
- Universal - Applicable Requirements
- Universal - Assurance
- Universal - Concern Identified
- Universal - Requirement Compliance
- Universal - Traceability or Reference
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Context - Project Structure
1 additional context statements:
- Project has part Project
Return to the top of the PrV-02 optional statements (triples).
Universal - Applicable Requirements
12 additional context statements:
- Contract governs Milestone
- Contract governs Project
- Contract governs Project Activity
- Contract governs System
- Requirement governs Milestone
- Requirement governs Project
- Requirement governs Project Activity
- Requirement governs System
- Standard governs Milestone
- Standard governs Project
- Standard governs Project Activity
- Standard governs System
Return to the top of the PrV-02 optional statements (triples).
Universal - Assurance
8 additional context statements:
- Claim about Milestone
- Claim about Project
- Claim about Project Activity
- Claim about System
- Milestone traces to Argument
- Project Activity traces to Argument
- Project traces to Argument
- System traces to Argument
Return to the top of the PrV-02 optional statements (triples).
Universal - Concern Identified
4 additional context statements:
- Concern about Milestone
- Concern about Project
- Concern about Project Activity
- Concern about System
Return to the top of the PrV-02 optional statements (triples).
Universal - Requirement Compliance
12 additional context statements:
- Milestone satisfies Contract
- Milestone satisfies Requirement
- Milestone satisfies Standard
- Project Activity satisfies Contract
- Project Activity satisfies Requirement
- Project Activity satisfies Standard
- Project satisfies Contract
- Project satisfies Requirement
- Project satisfies Standard
- System satisfies Contract
- System satisfies Requirement
- System satisfies Standard
Return to the top of the PrV-02 optional statements (triples).
Universal - Traceability or Reference
16 additional context statements:
- Milestone traces to Contract
- Milestone traces to Document
- Milestone traces to Requirement
- Milestone traces to Standard
- Project Activity traces to Contract
- Project Activity traces to Document
- Project Activity traces to Requirement
- Project Activity traces to Standard
- Project traces to Contract
- Project traces to Document
- Project traces to Requirement
- Project traces to Standard
- System traces to Contract
- System traces to Document
- System traces to Requirement
- System traces to Standard
Return to the top of the PrV-02 optional statements (triples).
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Well-Formedness Criteria
This web site is a partial representation of the TRAK Architecture Viewpoints Specification
Well-formedness criteria define the minimum acceptable view content based on the subject statements (triples). These criteria are not included in this web page.
Please refer to the Well Formedness
section within the PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint definition in the TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints specification (09 January 2025).
Presentation Methods
The PrV-02 Procurement Timeline architecture view may use any of following means to represent the statements (triples):
- Gantt chart
- Block diagram (Project, Project Activity, Milestone, System = block, TRAK relationship = line with direction indicator)
- textual representation of triples e.g. Turtle / RDF
Note that a textual presentation is acceptable for any TRAK architecture view.
Example PrV-02 Procurement Timeline Architecture View
UML implementation of a TRAK PrV-02 Procurement Timeline Architecture View.
Note that in TRAK dependencies between projects arise because a system delivered by one project is necessary for one or more other projects.
Produced using (Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect UML modelling tool in conjunction with the MDG for TRAK plugin (
# example TRAK PrV-02 Procurement Timeline architecture view
# Turtle (RDF) description
@prefix trak:<> .
@prefix rdf:<> .
@prefix ad:<http://ad_base_uri#> .
@prefix xsd:<> .
# describe Projects
ad:pro_01 a trak:Project ;
trak:name "Pro01-01"@en ;
trak:undertakes ad:pa_PA01 .
ad:pro_02 a trak:Project ;
trak:name "Pro01-02"@en ;
trak:undertakes ad:pa_PA02 .
# describe Project Activities
# Note use of dateTime data type for start and finish dates
ad:pa_PA01 a trak:Project_Activity ;
trak:name "PA01"@en ;
trak:start_date "2020-08-25"^^xsd:dateTime ;
trak:end_date "2020-11-16"^^xsd:dateTime ;
trak:removes ad:sys_35 .
ad:pa_PA02 a trak:Project_Activity ;
trak:name "PA02"@en ;
trak:start_date "2021-04-26"^^xsd:dateTime ;
trak:end_date "2021-07-08"^^xsd:dateTime ;
trak:delivers ad:sys_27 .
# describe Milestones
ad:ms_s35 a trak:Milestone ;
trak:name "Sys35 Removed"@en ;
trak:marks_removal_of ad:sys_35 .
ad:ms_s27 a trak:Milestone ;
trak:name "Sys27 in Service"@en ;
trak:marks_introduction_of ad:sys_27 .
# describe Systems
ad:sys_27 a trak:System ;
trak:name "Sys27"@en .
ad:sys_35 a trak:System ;
trak:name "Sys35"@en ;
trak:is_necessary_for ad:pa_PA02 .
PrV-02 Procurement Timeline Architecture View (Turtle / RDF) - Removal then Introduction of a System
This is a description of a generic description of the removal of a system (Sys35) followed by the later introduction of another system (Sys27). The delivery and removal project activites are undertaken by 2 separate projects (Pro01-01 and Pro01-02).
Views Needed to Construct
This web site is a partial representation of the TRAK Architecture Viewpoints Specification
Since a triple originates in a particular architecture view if there is a subsequent architecture view that uses the same triple it need not be created. Similarly you might wish to create a triple but in order to do so the node element has first to be created in its originating architecture view.
For example, you cannot describe the functionality of an element without first defining the element having that functionality. A Project Activity described using a PrV-02 architecture view needs a Project described in a PrV-01 architecture view.
These dependencies between architecture views create a natural sequence or order in which architecture views are created by virtue of their content. These criteria are not yet included in this web page.Please refer to the Views Needed in Order to Construct
section within the PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint definition in the TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints specification (09 January 2025).
Consistency Rules
This web site is a partial representation of the TRAK Architecture Viewpoints Specification
Consistency rules define rules applied to keep the collection of architecture views consistent and also to keep the logic formed by the statements using triples consistent. These criteria are not included in this web page.
Please refer to the Consistency Rules
section within the PrVp-02 Procurement Timeline architecture viewpoint definition in the TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints specification (09 January 2025).
The PrV-02 Procurement Timeline architecture view is the master source (origin) on which you first create the following elements or statements:
Attributes/properties for Project Activity e.g. start and finish dates are specified in the TRAK Metamodel document.
Neighbouring Architecture Views
The PrV-02 Procurement Timeline architecture view content may overlap that of the following neighbouring architecture views:
- EV-03 Capability Phasing
- MV-01 Architecture Description Dictionary
- MV-02 Architecture Description Design Record
- MV-03 Requirements and Standards
- MV-04 Assurance
- PrV-01 Procurement Structure
- PrV-03 Procurement Responsibility
- SV-01 Solution Structure
Navigation & Website Tracker
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The TRAK architecture viewpoints are subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at