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SVp-06 Solution Competence

This page reproduces part of the SVp-06 Solution Competence architecture viewpoint definition from the specification - TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints. The page content is therefore subject to the same GNU Free Documentation License terms and conditions - see

Most of the content is produced from a model of TRAK produced using a different set of architecture viewpoints!


The TRAK SVp-06 Solution Competence architecture viewpoint is one of 24 architecture viewpoints defined in TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints - current release is dated 2024_07_10.

SVp-06 Solution Competence Architecture Viewpoint Configuration
Perspective Viewpoint View ID Version Modified
Solution SVp-06 SV-06 9 2023-08-25


The TRAK SVp-06 Solution Competence architecture viewpoint defines the requirements for the TRAK SV-06 Solution Competence architecture view. This involves allowed content and minimum acceptable content ('well-formedness' criteria). The TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints specification also defines consistency rules that apply to a set of architecture views (an Architecture Description).

The TRAK SVp-06 Solution Competence architecture viewpoint content is summarised under the following sections:

The TRAK Architecture Viewpoints specification provides are complete definition not only of the SVp-06 Solution Competence architecture viewpoint but considerations for the architecture description formed from a set of architecture views.

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Stakeholder Concerns

The stakeholder concerns addressed by the SVp-06 Solution Competence Architecture Viewpoint are : Does the organisation or job through its role have the necessary competence to conduct the function?, Is the competence consistent with the solution?, . The stakeholders for the SVp-06 Solution Competence Architecture Viewpoint are :  Acquirer (of Solution),  Developer (of Solution),  Maintainer (of Solution),  Operator (of Solution),  Owner (of Solution),  Trainer (of Solution),  User (of Solution), .

Stakeholder Concerns Addressed by the SVp-06 Solution Competence Architecture Viewpoint

The TRAK SVp-06 Solution Competence architecture viewpoint addresses the following concerns:

  • Does the organisation or job through its role have the necessary competence to conduct the function?
  • Is the competence consistent with the solution?

Concerns addressed by all the TRAK architecture viewpoints.


Describes the competence needed for a role. Justified by linking to function or the extent of the resource to which the role applies.

Allowed Content

TRAK architecture view content is defined in terms of triples - Node - connector - Node e.g. 'Competence to conduct Function' that form short statements about the thing(s) being described.

Example of a 'Competence to conduct Function' subject triple for the SV-06 Solution Competence Architecture View

'Competence to conduct Function' is a Statement or Assertion in a SV-06 Architecture View

The rationale for this is explained separately.

Subject Statements (Triples)

These are statements (triples) that describe the subject of the SV-06 Solution Competence architecture view. Specifically these statements address the concerns for this SVp-06 Solution Competence architecture viewpoint. These form the basis for the well-formedness section of the SVp-06 Solution Competence architecture viewpoint.

There are 4 possible subject statements in total which include 5 metamodel elements ( Competence , Function , Job , Organisation and Role ).

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  • Competence to conduct Function
  • Job plays Role
  • Organisation plays Role
  • Role requires Competence

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Optional Statements (Triples)

These optional statements (triples) for the SV-06 Solution Competence architecture view provide useful context with respect to a subject or universally allowed statements involving the subject or object (start or finish) elements in the Subject Statements (triples).

Universal statements may be added to any TRAK architecture view and describe typical concepts such as compliance or traceability:

Example of a 'Requirement governs Function' optional triple for the SV-06 Solution Competence Architecture View

'Requirement governs Function' - an optional statement or assertion for the SV-06 Architecture View

These statements address the concerns of their respective architecture viewpoint and will have been created first on these other architecture views.

There are 76 possible statements which may be used to augment the SV-06 Solution Competence architecture view, split into 8 groups:

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Context - Function

1 additional context statements:

  • Role performs Function

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Context - Role Extent

5 additional context statements:

  • Role extends to Job
  • Role extends to Organisation
  • Role extends to Physical
  • Role extends to Software
  • Role extends to System

Return to the top of the SV-06 optional statements (triples).

Context - Structural

5 additional context statements:

  • Organisation has part Job
  • Organisation has part Organisation
  • System is configured with Job
  • System is configured with Organisation
  • System is configured with Role

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Universal - Applicable Requirements

15 additional context statements:

  • Contract governs Competence
  • Contract governs Function
  • Contract governs Job
  • Contract governs Organisation
  • Contract governs Role
  • Requirement governs Competence
  • Requirement governs Function
  • Requirement governs Job
  • Requirement governs Organisation
  • Requirement governs Role
  • Standard governs Competence
  • Standard governs Function
  • Standard governs Job
  • Standard governs Organisation
  • Standard governs Role

Return to the top of the SV-06 optional statements (triples).

Universal - Assurance

10 additional context statements:

  • Claim about Competence
  • Claim about Function
  • Claim about Job
  • Claim about Organisation
  • Claim about Role
  • Competence traces to Argument
  • Function traces to Argument
  • Job traces to Argument
  • Organisation traces to Argument
  • Role traces to Argument

Return to the top of the SV-06 optional statements (triples).

Universal - Concern Identified

5 additional context statements:

  • Concern about Competence
  • Concern about Function
  • Concern about Job
  • Concern about Organisation
  • Concern about Role

Return to the top of the SV-06 optional statements (triples).

Universal - Requirement Compliance

15 additional context statements:

  • Competence satisfies Contract
  • Competence satisfies Requirement
  • Competence satisfies Standard
  • Function satisfies Contract
  • Function satisfies Requirement
  • Function satisfies Standard
  • Job satisfies Contract
  • Job satisfies Requirement
  • Job satisfies Standard
  • Organisation satisfies Contract
  • Organisation satisfies Requirement
  • Organisation satisfies Standard
  • Role satisfies Contract
  • Role satisfies Requirement
  • Role satisfies Standard

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Universal - Traceability or Reference

20 additional context statements:

  • Competence traces to Contract
  • Competence traces to Document
  • Competence traces to Requirement
  • Competence traces to Standard
  • Function traces to Contract
  • Function traces to Document
  • Function traces to Requirement
  • Function traces to Standard
  • Job traces to Contract
  • Job traces to Document
  • Job traces to Requirement
  • Job traces to Standard
  • Organisation traces to Contract
  • Organisation traces to Document
  • Organisation traces to Requirement
  • Organisation traces to Standard
  • Role traces to Contract
  • Role traces to Document
  • Role traces to Requirement
  • Role traces to Standard

Return to the top of the SV-06 optional statements (triples).

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Well-Formedness Criteria

Well-formedness criteria define the minimum acceptable view content based on the subject statements (triples). These criteria are not yet represented within the model of TRAK. Please refer to the SVp-06 Solution Competence definition within the TRAK00001. TRAK. Architecture Framework. Viewpoints specification.

Presentation Methods

The SV-06 Solution Competence architecture view may use any of following means to the statements (triples):

Note that a textual presentation is acceptable for any TRAK architecture view.


The SV-06 Solution Competence architecture view is the master source (origin) on which you first create the following elements or statements:

Neighbouring Architecture Views

The SV-06 Solution Competence architecture view content may overlap that of the following neighbouring architecture views:

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Modification Date: 2024-09-12

Eclectica Systems Ltd